

Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) goals is a powerful way to achieve your fitness and wellness objectives. Use this worksheet to outline your SMART goals and track your progress. Your results will be emailed to you.

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Question 1 of 13

Goal Statement: What is your specific fitness or wellness goal? Be clear and concise.

Question 2 of 13

Specific (S): What exactly do you want to accomplish? Why is this goal important to you? Are there any specific details or requirements for this goal?

Question 3 of 13

Measurable (M): How will you measure your progress and know when you've achieved your goal? What quantifiable metrics will you use?

Question 4 of 13

Achievable (A): Is this goal realistic and attainable for you? What steps or resources do you need to reach this goal? Are there any potential obstacles, and how will you overcome them?

Question 5 of 13

Relevant (R): How does this goal align with your overall fitness or wellness objectives? Does it contribute to your long-term health and well-being?

Question 6 of 13

Time-Bound (T): When do you plan to achieve this goal? What is your target date for completion? Are there any intermediate deadlines or milestones?

Question 7 of 13

Action Plan:

1. List specific actions you will take to work toward your goal.

2. Break these actions down into smaller, manageable steps.

3. Assign deadlines to each action.

Question 8 of 13

Progress Tracking:

Regularly record your progress toward your goal. Use quantifiable data whenever possible (e.g., pounds lost, miles run, days without smoking). Reflect on your achievements, setbacks, and adjustments needed.

Question 9 of 13

Support System:

Identify any individuals, groups, or resources that can support you in reaching your goal. Consider seeking guidance from fitness professionals or experts if needed.

Question 10 of 13

Reward System:

Determine how you will reward yourself when you achieve your goal. Rewards can be motivating and reinforce positive behavior.

Question 11 of 13

Potential Obstacles:

List any obstacles or challenges you anticipate encountering. Develop strategies to overcome or navigate these obstacles.

Question 12 of 13

Review and Adjust:

Regularly review your progress and assess if you are on track to achieve your goal. Be open to adjusting your plan if necessary based on your results and changing circumstances.

Question 13 of 13

Final Thoughts:

Summarize your commitment to achieving this goal. Visualize your success and the benefits it will bring to your life.

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